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1 Sept 2023

REVIEW: Cats and the Other Lives on XBOX

Review By Jon Donnis
Today we have an unusual game, a point and click game that has been converted to Xbox, that features you in control of a cat within a narrative story.

The story is set after the passing of Bernard Mason, the family patriarch, all the remaining members of the Mason clan return to their childhood home one last time. In this unique game experience, players step into the paws of Aspen, the household cat, embarking on a captivating journey through the hopes, disappointments, and regrets of the enigmatic Mason family, spanning decades of their intricate narrative.

This game offers an interesting point-and-click play style that pays homage to the behaviours of everyday house cats from around the world. As Aspen, you'll explore the simple areas of the house, is this feline companion just a pet or does it harbour a more mysterious role in our lives.

The cat has no special powers or abilities, it is literally just a cat, the object of the game is to unravel the story of the Mason Family. You will listen in to conversations, solve puzzles, and in general do cat things like follow scents, chasing a mouse, causing chaos during family dinners and so on.

The game is rendered in 2D pixel style art.

Also, worth noting that a portion of the proceeds from "Cats and the Other Lives" is dedicated to funding medical operations for street cats.

The Good
An interesting concept for a mainly story based type of game, I liked the 2D pixel art, and the game looks great.

The Bad
I found the controls of the cat a bit clunky, the problem is this is a PC game, and controlling the game with an Xbox gamepad just doesn't quite work, and a few times you will find yourself literally stuck, and you are unable to use the gamepad to move to a separate section, for example I was on a sofa, and could only interact with a small figurine on a side table, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get off the sofa, as you need a mouse to select the correct movement.

This is a PC game, not an Xbox game, so although I played this on an Xbox, I can't really recommend this unless you play with a mouse, both figuratively and literally!

An interesting concept for a game, which is very storyline heavy, might not be for those of you who prefer more of a gameplay experience. But if you enjoy narrative/storyline-based games, where you are more of a bystander, than active participant, then this game finds a happy middle point.

If you like these kinds of game, get it on PC not Xbox, as it just doesn't quite fit the gamepad experience.

I score Cats and the Other Lives on Xbox a 6/10, playing it on a PC I would give it a 7/10

Out now!

26 Aug 2023

REVIEW: Contraptions 3 on Nintendo Switch

Contraptions 3 continues the zany tradition of its predecessors, delivering a fun and imaginative puzzle-solving experience that fans of the series will appreciate. This game successfully combines creative contraptions and Rube Goldberg-style mechanics to entertain players with its unique challenges. However, while it offers simple and enjoyable graphics, it also carries some drawbacks that might hinder newcomers from fully embracing the eccentric charm.

The game features over 200 wacky puzzles spread across five distinct worlds, offering a substantial amount of content for puzzle enthusiasts to explore. Additionally, the ability to create custom levels and challenge friends to conquer them extends the game's replayability beyond its premade puzzles.

Each level tasks players with ridding the environment of monsters by crafting intricate contraptions. The core gameplay revolves around arranging objects in a way that triggers chain reactions, leading to the monsters' demise. Players can pause time to reposition, flip, or connect objects, allowing them to fine-tune their solutions before setting the contraption in motion. If executed correctly, a satisfying domino effect unfolds, leading to the monsters' ultimate defeat.

Contraptions 3 boasts a wide array of gadgets, each with its own unique interaction and functionality. Igniting, touching, pushing, or pulling these gadgets can set off a series of events that culminate in solving a puzzle. Players must think creatively to interconnect these gadgets, crafting complex and often hilarious setups to achieve their objectives.

The game encourages diverse approaches to puzzles, enabling players to experiment and devise their own Rube Goldberg-inspired solutions. This aspect lends itself well to the game's replayability, as the puzzles can often be approached in multiple ways.

The Good
The game's simple and fun graphics retain the signature style that fans of the series have grown fond of. The whimsical world of Contraptions 3 is a joy to explore, with each of the five different worlds presenting distinct environments to unravel. Players who enjoyed the previous entries will feel right at home, revelling in the familiar visuals that make the game so inviting.

The Bad
Unfortunately, Contraptions 3 stumbles when it comes to onboarding new players. The absence of a detailed tutorial and the steep learning curve can be a significant barrier to entry, particularly for those who are new to the franchise. The complex interactivity of various gadgets and objects is not thoroughly explained, leaving players to grapple with confusion as they attempt to piece together solutions. This oversight in introducing newcomers to the game mechanics detracts from the overall enjoyment and accessibility of the experience.

Contraptions 3 successfully maintains the engaging and humorous puzzle-solving experience the series is known for. The game's vibrant and imaginative worlds, coupled with its intricate contraption-building mechanics, offer a joyful journey for fans of the franchise. However, the absence of a thorough tutorial and the steep learning curve can be off-putting to newcomers, hampering their initial immersion into the game.

With its unique blend of creativity and puzzles, Contraptions 3 stands as a solid entry in the series, deserving of a 7 out of 10. It's a game that rewards both ingenuity and patience, beckoning players to explore the wacky possibilities hidden within each level's assortment of gadgets and objects.

Out Now for £5.99 on Nintendo Switch

24 Aug 2023

REVIEW: Pretty Girls Klondike Solitaire PLUS on PC (Steam)

Review by Jon Donnis
I have covered many of the "Pretty Girls" releases, by now you should know the routine, take a classic simple to play game, wrap it within the Pretty Girls universe, and job done.

"Pretty Girls Klondike Solitaire PLUS" from ZOO Corporation delivers a delightful twist on the classic game of solitaire, immersing players in an anime-inspired world with Klondike rules. With its charming anime-style graphics, easy-to-play gameplay, and impressive presentation, this title adds a fresh layer of excitement to the timeless card game.

The game offers a unique twist by incorporating 11 beautiful girl characters, each with their own distinctive personalities and stories. Engaging with them adds an element of intrigue as you progress through the solitaire challenges. The diverse cast of characters, from cool beauties to Tsundere personalities, enhances the gameplay experience and gives players an incentive to clear stages and unlock stylish costumes for the girls.

The various difficulty levels add a layer of challenge to the traditional Klondike solitaire game, but also rewards players with costume changes as they make progress. Dressing up the characters in various outfits adds a fun and rewarding aspect to the game, offering a creative outlet for players to express their style preferences.

The inclusion of a Diorama mode is a classic part of the Pretty Girls games, allowing players to place multiple characters in different settings, customize their expressions, and change their costumes. The ability to save and load scenes encourages creativity, letting players craft their ideal scenarios and capture snapshots of their creations.

The game does a commendable job of integrating the anime aesthetic into the solitaire gameplay. The characters are beautifully designed, and the voice acting in Japanese adds an extra layer of authenticity. The game's interface is intuitive, making it easy for both newcomers and seasoned players to dive into the solitaire action.

Here is an example of some of the characters and their bios.

- The daughter of the Jounouchi family, a large conglomerate. She has a bright and friendly personality with the grace of a celebrity. She plays the role of a maid-maker among her close female friends.

Shion - The daughter of the famous Arisugawa family. She has a soft demeanor and a quiet personality. She is considered by those around her to be a beauty because of her personality and good looks.

Ayame - She is the daughter-in-law of the heir to the famous Fujishima family, and is held in awe by all concerned for her ability to manage the Fujishima family.

While "Pretty Girls Klondike Solitaire PLUS" offers an enchanting experience overall, there's room for a few enhancements. Expanding on the variety of backgrounds and settings for the Diorama mode could further boost its creative potential. Additionally, introducing more challenging gameplay modes or power-ups could add depth to the solitaire mechanics.

In conclusion, "Pretty Girls Klondike Solitaire PLUS" is a captivating addition to the "Pretty Girls" series, successfully blending Klondike solitaire rules with an engaging anime-inspired universe. With its charming character designs, easy-to-understand gameplay, and the allure of dressing up the characters, this title is a must-try for fans of both solitaire and anime aesthetics. ZOO Corporation's dedication to creating an enjoyable and visually appealing experience earns this game a solid 8 out of 10.

Out now on Steam

20 Aug 2023

REVIEW: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on Xbox

Review by Jon Donnis
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video game manages to capture the grim essence of the iconic 1974 film in an asymmetric multiplayer online horror title. The game is set just before the events of the original 1974 movie.  This hide and seek style game places players in the shoes of either the infamous Slaughter family or their desperate victims, promising a chilling experience that stays true to the source material.

The main idea of the game is that three Slaughter Family players have to try to murder four helpless victim players, where as their job is to simply escape. The various playable characters all have their own unique stats and abilities to help them to either find the victims, or to escape the killers.

The job of the killers is to secure the area, make sure electric fences are turned on, doors are locked, traps set etc, and of course trying to kill the victims. The Cook character has the ability to add extra padlocks to doors and can use enhanced hearing to locate Victims, Johnny has a tracking ability, and Hitchhiker can lay down traps. You also need to feed blood to Grandpa, who is sat on a rocking chair in a different location each time you play, when given blood he uses a sonar sweep to highlight moving victims for a time.

The job of the victims is of course to escape, but to do so you will need to find tools, disable traps, find escape routes and so on.

As you play you will earn skill points and level up, you can unlock new abilities in the skill tree.

The Good
The game boasts impressive graphics that immerse players in the eerie and unsettling world of the film. The visual design succeeds in maintaining the gritty atmosphere, contributing significantly to the overall horror experience.

Sound effects play a crucial role in creating tension and fear, effectively enhancing the immersion as players navigate the dark and dangerous landscape.

General game mechanics are solid, providing a smooth and intuitive gameplay experience that translates well into the horror genre.

The Bad
One major downfall is the lacklustre tutorial system, there is no gameplay tutorial, just sit and watch endless videos. New players may find themselves lost and confused as they attempt to grasp the mechanics and objectives of the game. A more comprehensive tutorial would greatly enhance the learning curve.

The difficulty balance between the Slaughter family and the victims appears one-sided, potentially leading to frustration and imbalanced gameplay, depending on which role you're assigned.

Content-wise, the game leaves much to be desired. With only three maps available and a limited roster of playable characters, the game can quickly become repetitive and stale.

Long matchmaking times mar the experience, leading to extended waiting periods before players can actually dive into the action. This can test the patience of even the most dedicated horror enthusiasts.

Map layouts suffer from confusion, making navigation a frustrating endeavour, especially for newcomers trying to survive the Family's pursuit, but also if you are playing as one of the family and find yourself starting the game outside, and basically locked out of the property.

The absence of a single-player or offline mode is disappointing, limiting the game's appeal to those without consistent online connectivity.

Requiring Xbox Gold to play creates an additional barrier to entry, excluding potential players who aren't subscribed to the service.

Player movements feel sluggish and unwieldy, diminishing the sense of urgency that should accompany a horror-themed game.

The limited variety in playable characters, with only five victims and five killer characters each, hampers replayability and diversity in strategies.

Night time map gameplay is hindered by excessive darkness, rendering matches nearly unplayable without reliable means of illumination.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video game brings the iconic horror film to life in a chilling asymmetric multiplayer experience. While it successfully captures the essence of the original movie through its graphics, sound effects, and general mechanics, the game stumbles in areas such as tutorial implementation, balance, content variety, and accessibility.

The inclusion of a single-player mode, improved tutorials, and a more diverse character roster could greatly elevate the overall gameplay experience. With its current state, the game earns a score of 6 out of 10, leaving room for improvement in delivering a more polished and engaging horror adventure.

Oh, and hope they don't turn the servers off, as if they do the game won't play at all. I am sure they wouldn't do that though?

Out Now on Xbox

Also available as part of Game Pass.

19 Aug 2023

REVIEW: Astro Flame: Starfighter - Xbox

Review by Jon Donnis
Astro Flame Starfighter takes players on an exhilarating journey through the stars, offering a captivating blend of classic scrolling shooter gameplay and modern 3D graphics. Released on various platforms, including Xbox, this game promises a nostalgic yet cutting-edge experience that will leave players engaged and enthralled.

In Astro Flame Starfighter, players assume the role of a skilled spaceship pilot, venturing through 15 levels of intense, action-packed gameplay. The game's allure lies not only in its challenge but also in its stunning visual effects that amplify the immersive experience. Each encounter with relentless enemies becomes a visually impressive spectacle, and the satisfaction of eliminating them is truly gratifying.

The title excels at offering a range of features that enhance the gameplay. Upgrades to the spaceship and weaponry provide a strategic layer to the adventure, empowering players to face off against powerful bosses guarding each level. The game's various difficulty levels, along with the ability to toggle auto fire on/off, accommodate players of all skill levels. The 2.5D perspective and the freedom to move around the screen add depth to the gameplay, while the health bar system and the option to shoot down enemy projectiles enhance the tactical dimension.

Astro Flame Starfighter not only captivates with its gameplay but also excels in the technical department. The graphics are commendable, boasting modern 3D visuals that are both striking and immersive. The manageable download size of just under 500MB is a definite plus, ensuring that players can jump into the action quickly. The inclusion of achievements/trophies adds an additional layer of accomplishment for those who seek to fully master the game.

Despite its strengths, there are a few areas where Astro Flame Starfighter falls short. The absence of tutorials might deter newcomers looking for a smoother entry into the game. Inability to rebind controls and limited real game options could potentially hinder player customization and accessibility. The lack of descriptions for ship upgrades can leave players guessing, and at times, the visibility of enemy projectiles can be a challenge.

The game's pacing is a bit uneven, with moments of intensity alternating with lulls. The soundtrack, unfortunately, doesn't do justice to the action on screen and may not fully complement the immersive experience that the visuals provide.

In conclusion, Astro Flame Starfighter is an adrenaline-pumping adventure that effectively blends the nostalgic charm of classic scrolling shooters with modern graphics and engaging gameplay. It brings the excitement of spaceship battles to life, offering players a chance to explore the cosmos, confront challenging bosses, and upgrade their ship for even more thrilling encounters. Despite a few minor shortcomings, its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, making it a title well worth picking up for fans of the genre and newcomers alike.

I score Astro Flame: Starfighter on Xbox a very respectable 7/10

Out Now on Xbox