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24 Mar 2023

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: River Tails: Stronger Together on PC (Steam)

First Impressions by Jon Donnis
I was asked to take a look at the first couple of levels of River Tails: Stronger Together on PC, which is out now in early access. For those that don't know early access is basically an unfinished game that is released onto Steam, with the hope that it can build up a community that will help the developers by giving advice, looking for bugs as well as paying towards the development of the game.

Let's take a look at the blurb.
River Tails: Stronger Together is a 3D co-op adventure platformer with a colourful cartoon aesthetic. Teammates must work together to defeat end-of-level bosses and solve puzzles across a range of natural-world environments.

Play either as Furple, the curious and excitable purple kitten, or Finn, the independent fish with a bit of an attitude problem. You'll embark upstream with these unexpected allies, towards the icy mountain where Furple's family are in mortal danger. Can you save them in time?

Immerse yourself in visually stunning natural-world environments
In River Tails, you'll embark on an epic and visually stunning journey across land and water. Explore the flora of uncharted rainforests, immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of river caves, cross the treacherous swamp (if you can!). Only then will you get back to the icy mountain. On your way, you'll encounter a wide range of local wildlife - but be sure to work out which are your friends and which are your enemies before it's too late!

Innovative and constantly evolving gameplay
Your journey will be filled with innovative and fun river-themed challenges. The further you travel, the more mechanics and puzzles you'll face. To succeed, working with your partner is absolutely vital. You know that saying about teamwork making the dream work? It's a little cliché, but totally true when playing River Tails.

Nail-biting boss fights
They can be pretty scary, but having mastered the key co-op mechanics earlier in the game you will have all necessary skills to defeat these angry enemies. Just keep calm and work together. Bosses aren't evil, but they do have some anger issues for which they should really seek professional help. They are very protective of their turf and aren't best pleased when a lively kitten and a cool-guy fish get too close.

Play a co-op game in a challenging single-player mode!
River Tails is designed specifically for two players, but we didn't like the idea of a game that can only be played in one way. That's why we added the LoneWolf mode. We have added a special control mode that allows you to play as both characters using one controller. The coordination becomes between one part of your brain and the other!
This single-player mode is a whole new kind of challenge.

As mentioned above, this is primarily a co-op game, meant to be played using a gamepad/controller, unfortunately I do not have a spare person around to help me play games, so I played this using the Lone Wolf mode, so I controlled both characters using one gamepad. Now you might think this would be very hard to do, but luckily most of the obstacles you face in a level can be done one by one, so not necessarily needed for both character sto be moved at once, although as you play you will find yoruself getting better at controlling both characters simultaneously.

Now this game is early access, and I found quite a few bugs, but I am sure these will be ironed out over time with the various patches and updates.

Gameplay is pretty straight forward, get through the level, collect some things and get past the obstacles, all without getting the kitten wet or the fish dry. Sounds simple, but it is not, the biggest problem this game has is the camera angle, the camera is computer controlled, and although it does move around depending on the location of your characters, often you will find that the camera is your biggest enemy in the game. For example I would often jump the kitten into the water because I simply couldn't tell where I was jumping in an accurate enough way. Obviously not as much of a probelm with the fish.

As it is now the game feels very rough, the controls and camera being the things that need the most work, but there is a lot of potential here. The £16.75 price tag is very steep though, but if you want to help the developer, than that is the cost they charge for the pleasure.

The Good
Nice colourful graphics and entertaining characters that will appeal to a younger crowd.

The Bad
Iffy controls made worse by the camera angles.

A game with a lot of potential, but also a long way to go to be the finished article.

Out Now on Early Access at

22 Mar 2023

REVIEW: Railway Islands on Nintendo Switch

Review by Jon Donnis
Railway Islands on Nintendo Switch is a simple Railway based puzzle game.

Each level (island) is a single screen, with hexaganol blocks, some of those blocks will have train tracks on them, your job is to move or rotate the various blocks so that a safe path between the entry tunnel and exit tunnel can be made, and also so that the train will pass by any stops needed to delivered resources.

There are 50 levels to complete, in 4 different environments. And there is also a create your own island mode too.

This is a simple but challenging little game, the first few levels are quite easy, but before you know it you are faced with some quite challenging levels, with a lot of blocks that need moving, the learning curve is quite steep, but not so hard that you will give up.

A simple but challenging little game that works well on the Nintendo Switch Lite, which is what I played it on.

The Good
Nice clear graphics that look good even on the small screen. Very nice concept that is well presented and despite being challenging at times, is fun to play.

The Bad
The controls could be better, moving the cursor (a big finger) around isn't the most intuitive, and you can tell this game was designed for PC with a mouse control in mind. With that said you will get used to it.

Simple concept, well delivered, fun to play, with the only slight frustration being the controls, but once you get used to that it is a fun little game.

I score Railway Islands on Nintendo Switch a fair 7.5/10

Railway Islands is out now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/Series X|S.

@gamingcouchspud #RailwayIslands - #NintendoSwitch a puzzle game about designing a railway map for a large archipelago. #Gaming ♬ original sound - Jon

19 Mar 2023

REVIEW: The Shore on PC (Steam) From Dragonis Games

Review by Jon Donnis
I was asked to take a look at The Shore, a One-Man-Project Horror Game Inspired by H.P Lovecraft.

Let us first take a look at the official blurb.

"THE SHORE is a game about the mystery of the unknown, set on a forbidden island filled with horrors. Based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft, the story features many of his best-known creations and more. Players will see the world through the eyes of Andrew, a father in search of his lost daughter. Players will experience The Shore through immersive, atmospheric gameplay and encounter the most nightmarish Lovecraftian entities, all while solving mind-bending puzzles. Try to survive as Andrew as he endeavours to save his daughter's life and, perhaps, uncover the secrets lurking within his own sanity.

Presented with a Lovecraftian style, As players dive deeper and deeper into the mystery, they'll face overwhelming odds, Andrew's moments that will make you question his sanity, and a series of slow-burn scenes. It's only by mastering the artifacts of the old gods combat mechanic that they can stay one step ahead of the darkness that tries to swallow the world of his, but will that be enough?

With the ghost of an action/mystery/horror play style and the mind of a psychological thriller, The Shore's dramatic atmosphere, deep and multilayered story, and exceptionally tense, horrific combat sequences provide players with an overwhelming and stunning gaming experience."

Considering this is a one man project of a game, the first thing that will strike you are the graphics, which are excellent. You start off the game by finding yourself alone on an island, there is not much in the way to guide or instruct you, so you will have to figure things out for yourself. Search around, look for clues, and try not to get too scared along the way.

There are puzzles to be solved and enemies to take on, but in general this is something of a walking simulator, the story is the key here, so to be fully emersed, you really need to put headphones on, and turn out the lights.

Controls are relatively simple and straightforward. As you search around you will eventually find portals to go through which might need you to then solve a puzzle, one of the first ones i came across was a simple one, activate 4 statue things, and this allows a huge structure to grow legs and walk off. Yes it that is that kind of strange. Explore the island, look for paths which might allow you to collect something, or witness something strange that furthers the storyline. Head to the light house, more exploring, more collecting, and turn on the light at the top.

At this point you will get a good idea of the type of game this is and the experience you will have. If you emerse yourself in the game, the tension built by the sound effects and music, not knowing what is around a corner, all helps build up the experience into something quite interesting.

I don't want to talk too much about the game as it is relatively short, so I would just spoil it. So I will keep to the basics.

The Good
Wonderful graphics and sound effects, the voice over is really well acted. And you will feel yourself getting more emersed into the game and the story the more you play.

The Bad
Some of the controls are a bit clunky, it is sometimes hard to know where you can and cant go, which can be frustrating.

This is an impressive game when you consider it is a one man project, and you should keep that in mind. Although controls are a bit rough, once you get used to them you will be fine. Enjoy the story, pay attention to what is going on around you, and try not to jump.

I score The Shore a decent 7.5/10

Out Now on Steam at

17 Mar 2023

PREVIEW: Bramble: The Mountain King on PC (Steam)

Preview by Jon Donnis
I was asked by the nice people at Merge Games to check out a preview of two never before seen levels from Bramble: The Mountain King on PC, the imaginatively titled Nearby Forest and the slightly more impressive sounding Skogsra's Grove.

For those unaware, Bramble is a "grim adventure game inspired by horror and Nordic folklore."

You play as Olle as he goes on a quest to save his sister from the Mountain King (giant troll), he has to travel through a dangerous and unsettling world, and take on all manner of weird creatures.

Here is the blurb:
"Not everything in Bramble is exactly how it seems - in this strange land with creatures big and small, you must be careful when to approach and when to hide. Many hungry and spiteful beasts lurk in these forests and caves. Watch your step....

Call upon the Spark of Courage, an enchanted fragment granting the gifts you need to endure the pitfalls and trials in your path. Defeat the horrid creatures you encounter in different and unique ways. Be warned, courage without kindness can take you down a dark path."

You will read there about the Spark of Courage, this is basically a small light that you hold, that doubles as a weapon. Of the two levels available, the Nearby Forest has you traversing through a dark forest, with the ultimate aim to reach a clearing where you will meet a character who will give you the "Spark", and allow you to train to use it, this involves you firing it at objects thrown up by the character.

This level is pretty straight forward, the levels are linear, so you cant really get lost or explore too much, there are some collectables to look out for too. The camera angle is fixed although you can move it slightly to see more of an area.

Skogsra's Grove will have you eventually squaring off against who I assume is Skogsra, a large female witch like creature. As you fight her she will cast spells that will fire at you, think a wave like black shadow, direct hits and spikes coming out of the floor. At first I thought the way to beat her was to just fire at her, while avoiding her attacks, but you have to take out these witch like images from behind trees, when you have done all of that you can make a direct hit, but then she will power up and you will have another battle, this will be a different style of fight. After a few different fights you will eventually win. This is not an easy fight, and will take a while to first figure out what you are supposed to do, then to learn the attack patterns so you can avoid them.

The graphics are very good, everything looks great. Control is best with a gamepad, forget using keyboard and mouse as that is unplayable.

The game is quite gory in parts, so not for kids, despite the fact your character is a child.

The Good
Of the two levels available to me, everything looked great, and the fight against Skogsra was challenging but also fun.

The Bad
It didn't take me long to get through the two levels, hopefully the final game offers more of a challenge.

The game has a lot of potential, and I look forward to playing the final finished game.

Bramble: TMK will be launching to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch & Steam on 27th April.
Wishlist on Steam now at

There is also a short demo you can download now and play, which covers The Nacken's Pond level.

Watch Trailer Here


UPDATE: 20/12/22 - Development Studio Bulwark have responded to various clomplaints made in my review as well as complaints from users. I have added their notes at the bottom, so please do read.

Review by Jon Donnis
IXION is a space-based city building game from Bulwark Studios, you are the Administrator of the space station Tiqqun, and after a warp like jump, you seemingly cause the destruction of the Earth and are now charged with finding a new home for humanity.

Including city building mechanics, as well as survival elements and space exploration, the game is advertised as a thrilling space opera.

As the game starts, you have access to a sector of the space station, from here you will start to lay the foundations of what you hope will be the start of the survival for humanity.

To start with you will build storage units to store various things you will find, mine or grow. You need places for your workers to live, food for them to eat and so on.

Everything is pretty straight forward, however the way it is first laid out is terrible, you see the tutorial is awful. There is no real hand holding here. Basic instructions that miss a lot of the important things. 

Luckily you will eventually figure out basic things, for example a building needs to be attached to a road, but only from a certain direction, you are not really told this. So expect lots of screaming at the screen, when it tells you to do something and you think you have done it, but the building needs to be rotated 90 degrees, of course it is too late now as you built it, meaning you either destroy it, which wastes valuable resources, or you build endless roads to connect things, which then wastes space.

There are endless little issues like this, that are frustrating beyond belief, but eventually when you figure it out, you will just start the game over and get a bit further along, well until the next annoying thing.

The prologue (which is supposed to be the tutorial), is set before you destroy the earth, once you have build an air lock, various types of ships etc, you can then make the jump that causes everything to go wrong.

General gameplay has you sending your science ship to investigate planets, and other issues, a mining ship to erm.. mine, and a cargo ship which goes and collects things. You will eventually get to send out probes which will scan areas, and unlock new quests etc. And you can unlock new sectors on the space station that you can then use.

The game works from 3 viewpoints, inside the space station, immediately on the outside, where you will need to build solar powered units and constantly fix the ship (this is beyond annoying and dumb), and finally galaxy view, where you can see the planets, asteroids and stars etc. You can speed up and slow down "cycles".

You will need to maintain your crew's trust in the corporation that started this, and if you reach 0% trust, it is game over. As you play you will find other survivors in cryopods which you can rescue and reanimate. You have a tech tree so you can unlock new buildings, and in general expand and explore.

For what is the final release of the game, it plays much more like an easy access game, there are countless bugs and balancing issues, the tutorial is poorly written, and at £27, there will be a lot of disappointed players.

I even waited a few days after release to write this, because I knew there would be a lot of complaints, just to give the developers chance to release a few fixes, but this game is at least 6 months away from being the finished article.

It is disappointing as there is a good game here, it's just so badly made, with so many issues that it just stops being fun. You will find yourself frustrated more than anything.

The balance of what you do, to what you achieve is way off. The learning curve is way too steep. And there are pointless elements in the game that you need to keep an eye on, that just become tedious.

I understand that the developers wanted to make a serious game, but this game needed to be more fun. Even if they just added a dumb mode, for people, so they could just have fun building their little space station, explore the galaxy etc, without the constant threat of game over. Things get stressful way too quick, and I play games to have fun, not shout at the screen in frustration.

The Good
The graphics are good, and I like the detail used in telling a story.

The Bad
Terrible tutorial, poorly designed game mechanics, a way too steep learning curve, over complicated menus and lack of general fun.

A lot of time and effort has clearly been put in the game, and it is salvageable, but it needs the developers to humble themselves, admit they messed up on a few issues, and think seriously about a redesign of the game. Make it fun, make it simple, and listen to what people are telling you. Not everyone is a hardcore city building game fanatic. 

I score IXION on PC (Steam) a disappointing 5 out of 10. This game has potential, and if this was an early access game, 6 months ahead of release, I would give it a much higher score. If I was the developers I would move it back to beta testing, fix all the issues after reading the thousands of pissed off reviews on Steam. And then try a new release in the future.

Out now on Steam

UPDATE: 20/12/22 - Press Release from Development Studio Bulwark
Following early feedback from the tens of thousands of players that played IXION since release, we have addressed a number of issues in a new update. This wide-ranging update fixes the most common bug & balancing issues. Steam reviews have seen a dramatic up turn since the patch went live yesterday.

IXION is intended to be hard. Learning from your mistakes and replaying saves is part of the process. That being said, some players - especially newcomers to the genre – have struggled with the difficulty. While the balance updates will help to a degree, we will be looking to address this early in the new year to add difficulty sliders/options to allow for different playstyles. There will however still be a recommended setting to play how it was intended.

Next Steps
As Bulwark are a small dev studio, they will take a well-earned rest and return in 2023 where they will look at:
Continued Balancing - We feel passionately about continuing to refine and update IXION’s balancing to bring you the best experience possible.
UI improvements - There are some areas of the UI we would like to review and improve, to ensure player understanding and enjoyment.
Accessibility Options - We would like to add further accessibility options to support IXION’s players.