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15 Oct 2022

REVIEW: Amberial Dreams on PC (steam)

Review by Jon Donnis
If there is one thing I like, it is 2D physics-based precision platformer, and what do we have here? Yes, it is a 2D physics-based precision platformer. 

You control a ball or as the game calls it a sphere, and you have to get from point A in a level to Point B, in as fast a time as possible. You can only move the ball left or right, so have to make use of the environment to cleverly move you around the level. For example, hit a ramp at speed, or move onto a bouncing platform, move through an antigravity area and so on. Apparently, this is the 5th game in the series, but as far as I know this is the first time, I have played any of them.

With 50 levels to beat, with varying difficulty, the game presents quite the challenge. Each level offers 3 achievable points. First to pass the level, second to pass the level in under a certain time, and thirdly to do that while also collecting a moon icon, that is usually positioned in a difficult to reach place. Do all three, and you have fully passed the level.

There is a story too, 

"Follow the story of Amber as she wakes up from her long slumber, alone, to find her former idyllic world transformed to the core. Incarnate her avatar and explore 4 different biomes, each with their own gameplay twists and narrative. Change the world as you progress and uncover hidden secrets. Where are your missing sisters and why did everything change so drastically?"

There are a few things that separate this game from other similar games. For example, there is not just a simple menu with the levels listed, instead levels are placed across an area, as you beat certain levels, others are unlocked. There is much variation between the levels too, for example a few of teh more unusual levels are like you are playing on an arcade machine, so offer slightly different mechanics. Some levels have areas with lower gravity, or even hit a button and gravity completely flips. Throw in all manner of traps, and obstacles, and completing this game is not an easy task at all.

There is also a handy statue thingy (sorry I cant recall the name) that when you approach will list all the available levels, your score and completion rate, and if you have discovered them, allows you to choose to play the level from that point.

And just when you think that is enough, there is even the option to create your own levels, and play levels created by other users, which in turns leads to a potentially never-ending number of levels to play.

Despite the game being listed as "Early Access" it is already very far along and has huge potential as more players join the game, more levels are created, and so on.

The gameplay itself may not be very original, but it is presented in a totally original format, with enough variety to keep you very busy, and an almost endless amount of user created levels to enjoy.

The graphics are as good as you would expect in a game like this. The sound effects and music are also decent.

The Good
Endless potential, already a very solid base, with enjoyable, addictive gameplay, and when I say addictive I mean it, when you miss the challenge time by a second, you WILL keep replaying a level until you get it, the hook is strong here, very strong.

The Bad
Perhaps the level layout might put off some people, especially those who are used to just seeing a long list of levels from the start and expect a linear approach. I personally liked having something different.

This is already a high-quality game, despite being in early access. It can only get better; I look forward to seeing user created levels explode once the game is fully released.

I don't usually score early access games, but I will make an exception here.
I score Amberial Dreams on PC (steam) a very strong 8.5/10. And I can guarantee that when the game exits early access, and gets the full final release, that score will automatically go to 9/10, purely because I know the amount of content available for the game will grow massively.

Released on October 18th at

12 Oct 2022

REVIEW: Pnevmo-Capsula on Nintendo Switch

Review by Jon Donnis
Pnevmo-Capsula finally gets its console release on the 19th of October, after being out on Steam for a year or so.

Set in an alternate utopian atompunk world in what looks like anywhere between the 1930s to the 1960s, you control a small trolley that delivers mail, your job is to traverse a series of rails, tracks and pipes, and ultimately deliver the mail.

Of course, things are not as simple as they might seem, in your way are obstacles to get past, barriers to overcome, dead ends, and maze like structures to find your way through.

The various levels are laid out across interesting backdrops, "caretaker's booth" on a power pole, made of sleepers; "Air platform" with houses at a height; "The artist's hut", fixed directly on the power line, and so on.

Instructions are kept to a minimum, as soon as you start you will only get a quick notice on screen, press A to electrify and press Y to speed up. You move the cart using the joystick, and since the rails go in full 3D directions, you will need to push in the direction you want to go, something that can be a bit tricky when the computer-controlled camera decides to swing around to give you a different view. And the lack of instruction also had me stuck at the absolute first screen, one of the things you will quickly need to learn is the electrify button, this in turn will activate different things, for example, it may lift a platform up, to help you cross an area, it may move a rail on the track so you can go to different heights and areas. It also allows you to interact with the puzzles, and turn lights on or off. Once you figure out how to use that A button, you are quickly on your way.

The game runs in a linear fashion, and the puzzles tend to be based in an observational manner, for example you will need to carefully examine advertising boards and instruction manuals, to figure out the answers, which you will then need to input into a mail machine. There is no hint option, so it is very easy to get stuck which will lead to a huge problem with the game.

When you are playing a puzzle game, and you get stuck, you have two options, give up and stop playing the game, or go online and find a walkthrough.

The game itself is relatively short, a few hours at most. But if you were to get stuck early on, and find a walkthrough, the temptation to go back to that walkthrough every time you get stuck grows and grows, the problem being that you then just complete the game in super quick time, and once completed, there is no real replayability to the game. Since it is a linear game, you will not have missed anything.

I played this at first on a Nintendo Switch Lite, I quickly learned that this game is impossible to play on such a small screen, and I had to play on the large screen instead, the reason is that sometimes the camera is very far away from the trolley, and as such it is virtually impossible to see where it is, throw in the issue with having a very small activation zone for your trolley to be, and you can imagine the problem.

The Good
Beautiful graphics and sound effects really did grab my attention. The puzzles really do need you to have a keen eye for detail.

The Bad
The controls are poor and the camera angles hurt the gameplay. Some of the puzzles are ridiculously hard, and may put off someone not willing to stick with a tough game.

I am a puzzle fan and I have played similar games before, and I faced some of the same frustrations, with that said I did enjoy the game, I completed it relatively quick, and once I got the hang of it, I started to feel pretty confident throughout that even when I got stuck, I would be able to figure it out.

Poor controls and camera angle issues really do bring the score down, as does the lack of any kind of hint system, which will just mean people will run to online walkthroughs.

I score Pnevmo-Capsula on Nintendo Switch a fair 6/10
Better camera angle, simpler controls, a hint system, and more levels, would definitely improve the score.

Out on 19th October at

11 Oct 2022

REVIEW: Scarf - On PC

Review by Staff
Scarf is a puzzle/3D platforming, narrative driven game,

Not much of a storyline as such other than the taglines of "what it means to be a hero". The game's main gimmick is that your scarf is a living creature, when you first start it kinda looks like a dragon, then you collect an orb and make friends with it and it turns into a regular scarf that goes around your neck. Once you have merged with the scarf, you quickly learn that it is the child, and that the mother scarf, creature thingy, was ripped apart by bad souls, who then used her threads to make portals. Baby scarf tried searching for their mother to no avail. Finally, by merging with your character, the story can be told.

You are then off and running, on a search to trap the souls who have created their own worlds.

Look I was pretty confused too, so can we get past the nonsensical storyline?

Each area has its own unique qualities, and as you play you will learn new scarf-based abilities, and you will discover the secrets of each area while solving pretty standard puzzles, jumping to different parts, gliding and so on. Very generic stuff.

The Good
The game is quite pretty, everything looks and sounds fine.

The Bad
This is a short game, about 2 hours at most. The controls are clunky, and unfortunately a lot of the gameplay is quite tedious. At times it feels more like a walking simulator as opposed to a proper puzzle/platformer. And the fact you will complete it in one sitting and then have no need or want to play it again seems like not the best way to spend £12.

The game is not all bad, I just don't think any single element of the game is particularly good.
It has value more as walking simulator, something to pass the time instead of something to challenge.

I score Scarf on PC a 5/10. Could have been so much more. You could literally watch a 2 hour playthrough on Youtube for free and get the same out of it.

6 Oct 2022

REVIEW: XEL - Nintendo Switch

Review by Jon Donnis
XEL is a top-down 3D action-adventure game, set in a futuristic world, where you play as Reid, you find yourself shipwrecked on XEL, a very strange world. Of course, it goes without saying that you have no memory of your previous life, because why would you? Your job in this game is to explore the world, find out about your past, why you are here and what your connection to XEL is.

"Ready your sword and shield as you explore the overworld of XEL and dive into imposing Zelda-like dungeons full of unforeseen threats and challenging puzzles. Throughout your journey you will make new friends and foes, learn new moves, find new gadgets as well as being able to jump through time and space. As Reid delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding XEL, she discovers an endless cycle of peril. Will she be able to break free from it and what will it take?"

As you play you will soon find a sword and a shield, which will be your main weapons for attack, as you explore you can find large pillars that allow you to save your progress, as well as treasure chests, all handily marked on the map. As you explore the area and try to progress to the next, you will of course be met by creatures/robot minions that want to kill you, battles are straight forward hack and slash affairs, some enemies can fire projectiles which is where your shield comes into good use. Boss fights are as expected, learn the attack pattern, avoid the attacks, and attack back when you can.

You will also meet and interact with people who will help you on your journey, trade with you, and lead you through various areas and tasks.

Throw in puzzles to be solved, new gadgets to unlock, as well as secret paths to find, (always look behind waterfalls), and there is enough here to keep you busy for a while. Collect cores to unlock new abilities, travel through time to access areas previously inaccessible, as well as meet and ultimately destroy younger weaker versions of enemies.

Some really nice camera shifts are also a highlight, taking away from just the standard top-down view.

The Good
XEL is a relatively easy game to get into, controls are simple and quick to learn, lots to collect and upgrade, decent graphics even on the Nintendo Switch Lite, a strong sound track, and you have a very good little game here.

Boss fights are also fun.

Also worth mentioning is the well written story.

The Bad
The camera angle can sometimes be a pain, because the camera is fixed, you will sometimes find that the environment is in the way of your character, meaning you can't see them, now in general this is not a problem, but usually in games with such a camera angle, when the environment does get in the way it becomes transparent, sadly not here. I feel this is an oversight from the game makers, and there is a feeling of maybe you have missed something, when most likely you haven't

Combat is hack and slash, so not much thought is needed outside of the boss fights.

I like XEL, it is a bit buggy in parts, but nothing that will spoil the gameplay too much, the camera angle is a bit poor, especially when playing on the small screen. But overall, I enjoyed the game, the levels are well laid out, the puzzles are decent, and the map is good enough that you shouldn't get too lost.

XEL is far from perfect, and could do with a bit of tidying up, which would improve it massively, and maybe in future updates they will do just that, but for now I score XEL a fair 7/10. A good little addition to your Switch collection.

Out Now at

2 Oct 2022

REVIEW: Pretty Girls Tile Match on PC (Steam)

Review by Jon Donnis
Zoo Corporation have just released the 18th "Pretty Girls" game in the series and they have sent me a key to check out the game.

I have reviewed a lot of the Pretty Girls titles now, and all of these games have one main thing in common, "Pretty Girls" (KAWAII -  the culture of cuteness in Japan) wrapped around either a classic game or a reimagining of a classic game, well Pretty Girls Tile Match is no different.

A simple concept is used here, you play with mah-jong tiles that are spread out randomly on the table, your job is to match 3 of them, when you do that they disappear from the playing area, once you have cleared the board, you have completed that level.

Each level you complete gets you points, and you can then use those points to unlock costumes and backgrounds for the "Pretty Girls", which you can then position on a diorama, when positioned how you like, you can then save that image, to use however you like, most likely use is for Wallpaper for your computer.

In total there are 120 levels to complete, 20 levels per characters, with 3 different difficulty settings.

The game itself is pretty simple to learn, you can only hold 7 tiles at a time, and once 3 of them match they disappear, obviously you need to be tactical, as some tiles are hidden beneath others, and you have to make sure you don't get stuck by loading up with too many unmatched tiles. Luckily there is a handy undo button, as well as a hold button, which allows you to move a tile to the side if you get stuck, along with a shuffle for when you run out of moves. Even on the hardest setting, with a bit of planning, and thought, you can complete all the levels.

The 6 girls have their own little bios and characters, although this is superficial and does not really have any effect on the game. For example, Riara is described as "A lightly flirtatious beauty. She is fashionable, dances and models, but she is also a mischievous troublemaker." or Rui, described as "A beautiful woman with a tall and outstanding model figure and beauty. Contrary to her appearance, she is strong-willed and has a caring personality."

The Good
A new twist on the class 3 piece puzzle game using Mah-jong tiles, it is much harder than it first looks as some tiles look very similar, it all adds to the challenge, and for people who like this kind of puzzle game, it will be a fun addition to your collections.

The Bad
You get the same number of "Points" to purchase things whether you play easy or hard, and you can complete any level on any difficulty once you have passed the previous one, taking away a challenge of needing to complete all levels on hard for example. A few more achievements would also be welcome, as it is you can complete everything on easy.

I am a fan of the "Pretty Girls" franchise, classic games given a new look, or reimagination, and more often than not Zoo Corporation improve on the original, or create a new version of a game that instantly becomes the best in it's genre, and this one is no different.

Pretty Girls Tile Match is the best 3 tile game available right now. For fans of this type of puzzle game, this is the best one you can get, it offers a large number of levels, and a very good challenge.

I score Pretty Girls Tile Match a solid 8.5/10

Out now on PC (Steam)