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Showing posts with label Wii U. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wii U. Show all posts

11 Mar 2015

20 Jan 2015

Nintendo's Wii U Sales for December 2014 Were Its Best Ever - IGN News

Wii U closed out 2014 with its most successful month of sales ever.

Nintendo didn't release full sales numbers for hardware, but they did say the Wii U sold 29% better in 2014 than it did in 2013, thanks largely to December sales.

15 May 2014

Wii U Sales Crawl as Nintendo Posts $457 Million Loss - GS News Update

With just 2.72 million units sold over the last 12 months, the Wii U isn't doing the numbers for Nintendo.

29 Mar 2014

WarioWare, Inc. Mega Microgame$! - Wii U Virtual Console Trailer

The quirky game that kicked off the WarioWare series comes to Nintendo Wii U's Virtual Console download service.

26 Jan 2014

Why You Should Buy a Wii U in 2014

Think you can write off Nintendo's living room console in 2014? We provide evidence as to why you should buy a Wii U in 2014.

24 Jan 2014

Nintendo Wii-U 2 Rumours

Rumours are flying about that Nintendo have started work on a Wii-U 2 console!
Due for release in late 2015, early 2016 it would certainly shake things up.

Here is an artists impression of what a new Wii-U 2 could look like

7 Dec 2013

Buyer's Guide - Wii U

Is Wii U the console for you? Chris Watters takes a look at this underdog to see how it stacks up to the competition.

14 Nov 2013

12 Sept 2013

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - Gameplay & New Features (Wii U)

See how the graphics of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD for Wii U compare to the Nintendo GameCube original and learn about new features like the use of the GamePad, Miiverse, Off-TV Play and Hero Mode.

Wii U Virtual Console - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

28 Aug 2013

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition - Ganondorf (Wii U)

Take a closer look at the Ganondorf figurine that comes with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition, available from 4th October 2013 while supplies last.

8 Aug 2013

Why the Wii U Matters - YouTube Geek Week

Think Nintendo is dead in the water? Think again. IGN explains why the Wii U is still in the race for your living room.