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Showing posts with label Legacy of Discord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legacy of Discord. Show all posts

22 May 2019

Legacy of Discord, the legendary ARPG, has rolled out a fresh update including mercenaries, new battle modes and new gameplay possibilities

YOOZOO Games, Shanghai — May 2019 | Sometimes known as ‘soldiers of fortune’ mercenaries are an arbitrary factor in any conflict. Often primarily concerned with lining their pockets — frequently at the expense of ethics — they’ll fight for whoever pays them. Which is your good fortune, as it means combat in Legacy of Discord has levelled up considerably with their inclusion.

You need never go into combat alone again: up to three mercenaries will fight with you in battle; with one fighting at a time. Once dead, mercenaries can be revived when switching maps or when the player is revived after dying. They are also very powerful when brought into the Celestial Tournament (when players use the all-new Mercenary function).

Their inclusion across the game, essentially, offers more gameplay possibilities: Pets, Wrathwings, Mounts, and Metamorphs can all be socketed to a mercenary, boosting your battle rating and granting even more bonuses to player attributes; and the better the item socketed, the bigger the bonus!

The above mentioned Celestial Tournament is an all-new battle mode — where Guild members can build a team of 5 to 10 people for matches. The first team to capture two flags for 30 seconds wins. (Hot tip: The Celestial Tournament is a great place for guild members to play together and get more honour; also, guilds with more members gain a greater advantage.)

Legacy of Discord has also featured on Google Play’s global recommended list this week. Be the first to check out the latest updates now — together to Battle!

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25 Feb 2019

Live the Dream with Legacy of Discord

We all need somewhere to call home. YOOZOO Games and GTarcade have recognised this need and now players of Legacy of Discord can start picking out furniture and maybe even find a few friends to share the housework.

Players can now invite and place certain NPCs into their sanctuary. They can also select from three available home styles and choose furniture. Through daily resource runs and a bit of interaction with friends they can train their pets within their sanctuaries to receive special combat boosts. Or simply visit friends in their homes to get additional resources — they can even gift items to help in-game chums furnish their dream home.

Like most homes, there’s the occasional ‘domestic’ to sort out. In Guardian’s Sanctuary this comes, typically enough, in the form of a hobgoblin fight. At 7:45pm each night some sanctuaries will be visited by a hobgoblin. Players can gain additional resources by defeating this unwanted visitor and  restoring peace and tranquility to their homes.

Legacy of Discord has also seen a wide range of improvements recently, with a numerous new items added to shops; as well as a new chapter unlocked in the main dungeon. There’s also some bug squashing and plenty more to keep players happy when they’re not sitting at home with their feet up.

To play Legacy of Discord visit the site