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12 Oct 2024

REVIEW: Silent Hill 2 (2024 Game Remake) - On Playstation 5

Silent Hill 2

Review by Jon Donnis

The 2024 remake of Silent Hill 2 by Bloober Team is a real treat for fans of the original, and it holds up surprisingly well in a modern setting. They've managed to capture the atmosphere that made the 2001 version so special while giving it a much-needed update in terms of visuals and gameplay. Powered by Unreal Engine 5, the graphics are absolutely stunning. Everything from the fog-choked streets of Silent Hill to the eerie interiors feels incredibly immersive. Play it with a good pair of headphones or a surround sound system, and the audio design really pulls you into the creepy, unsettling world. It's an experience that plays heavily on your senses, with every creak and distant moan building tension perfectly.

The story is still the same haunting narrative of James Sunderland, receiving a letter from his dead wife and being drawn back into the nightmarish town of Silent Hill. It's a tale of grief, guilt, and human frailty that resonated back in 2001 and still does today. Luke Roberts and Salóme Gunnarsdóttir bring solid performances to the roles, and the voice acting helps add depth to the emotional weight of the story.

The modernised third-person camera and improved combat system are welcome changes, making movement and battles feel a lot more fluid and manageable than the old tank controls. That said, combat still isn't the main draw here, it's the sense of dread and the psychological tension that keeps you hooked.

However, there are a few nitpicks. While the remake does a good job of expanding the game in the right places, with new areas to explore and extra content, it does lose some of the claustrophobic horror that made the original so intense. There's more space to wander and more frequent cutscenes, which can break up the fear a bit. The story, as compelling as it is, still feels a bit thin at times, especially if you've already played through it before.

For die-hard fans, this is probably the best version of Silent Hill 2 you could ask for. It's faithful to the original in all the ways that matter, while giving the game just enough polish and additions to make it feel fresh. For newcomers, it might not be as groundbreaking, especially compared to more recent horror titles, but it's still a chilling experience with a timeless story.

Overall, Bloober Team has done a stellar job delivering one of the better remakes in recent memory. It's not perfect, but it's a must-play for anyone who loves psychological horror or wants to revisit one of the genre's best stories. I'd give it a solid 8.5 out of 10, better than the original in some ways and certainly the definitive way to experience Silent Hill 2 today.

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