
26 Nov 2020

REVIEW: Android Hunter A on PC (Steam)

Review by Jon Donnis
We have all waited a long, long time for a new Mega Man X game, and well, we have been left disappointed, however this has meant that Indie Game Makers have thrown their games in the proverbial hat as a spiritual successor, the latest game to try to emulate the success of the Mega Man series is Android Hunter A on PC (Steam).

"Corrupted machines flood the streets of Future Earth, previously a haven for humans and androids alike.  As cities fall, a new force is created to fight back - the perfect Android Hunter."

Android Hunter A is a 2D (or 2.5D) side scrolling platformer/shooter, and if you have had played the Mega Man games you will be instantly familiar with this. You run, shoot, jump and dash your way through various levels, you start off with a tutorial level to get familiar with the controls, and once completed you can choose 1 of 8 stage environments to take on next, each stage has its own boss, who when you beat you can then use their abilities. Unlike other games you can really choose which ever stage you want to try first, which is a nice touch. 

Between the levels you get great cut scenes which could come straight out of an animated film, really impressive cinematics.

As you progress through the game you will unlock various accessories, costumes, masks, helmets and so on, some border on the ridiculous and some are pretty standard.

Each level is timed, and you can compete on leaderboards for the best time.

Now on to the actual game play, at first, I found the game quite clunky and not really very intuitive, but once I got used to the controls, I soon found myself flying through the levels, the levels themselves a pretty straight forward, nothing too hard, and to be honest a bit too easy, the boss fights too are really easy and once you find the right routine for beating a boss you will do so with ease. The game really could do with a bit more intelligence for the bosses. It is very paint by numbers. You do get to power up your weapon and then unleash it at full power which is satisfying but you will find you will just save this for the boss fights.

The Good
The graphics and music are all great, if you have a decent graphics card the game looks great.

The Bad
You will complete the game pretty quick, and the leaderboards for times of the levels are just not enough to keep you coming back.

This is not Mega Man X, not be a long shot, and that's a shame, I wonder sometimes if instead of trying to be a spiritual successor to a classic game, if developers didn't just try to create new and original games instead.

I score the game 6/10

Review by Jon Donnis

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