
16 Nov 2017

Nintendo Switch gains exclusive content, as Pluto is named a planet once and for all, in upcoming twin-stick shooter, Vostok Inc.

Watford, United Kingdom, November 16 2017: Pluto has today been reclassified as a planet, rather than a dwarf planet (minor planet designation 134340 Pluto). To celebrate the new status bestowed upon it by Nosebleed Interactive and Wired Productions, Pluto comes to Vostok Inc. in time for, and exclusive to, its release on Nintendo Switch.

Vostok Inc. held a press conference this afternoon where news of this planetary scale exclusive content was first shared.

Andreas Firnigl, Managing Director and designer at Nosebleed Interactive, commented: “Pluto has five moons. If you believe the International Astronomical Union, then they should be called dwarf planet moons. What do hundreds of international astrophysics experts and PHD graduates know. Pluto is a planet!”

Tune in to breaking Vostok Inc news at the following YouTube channels:

Neil Broadhead, Communications Manager, Wired Productions, continued: “Pluto is – and always has been – a planet, and a huge part of our solar system since its discovery in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Its heart shaped expression, first seen from across the solar system on July 13th 2015, made us fall in love with Pluto all over again. Long distance relationships do work! Whether it’s 4.4bn km or 7.4bn km away, Pluto has a place in our hearts, and now a place in our game: Vostok Inc.”

In Vostok Inc, you play as a corrupt, narcissistic yuppie hoping to make as much money as possible in a greed-driven, twin-stick shooter without a conscience. As the newly-appointed CEO of Vostok Inc., you have one goal: to become filthy, stinking rich. Piloting your very own ship, explore and exploit more than 40 planets across six different solar systems in your quest to earn ludicrous amounts of MOOLAH!

Start by landing on any planet to begin colonization, build factories and rake in the big bucks. Once the MOOLAH starts flowing, you’ll be able to upgrade your ship’s weapons and augmentations. Increase profits even further by finding and recruiting managers, consultants, and executives scattered throughout the galaxy.

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